Recommended Therapists in the Asheville/Hendersonville Area
This is the “Because you expressed interest in Kitty Kendall, LCHMC, here are some other therapists in the area that you may be interested in” page! The therapists listed in the following pages are ones who I have either personally met or worked alongside in a professional setting. They are all local clinicians who are highly trained in working with survivors of relationship violence, value inclusivity and the rights of all individuals, have a background in working with trauma, and welcome clients of any race, ethnicity, religion, gender-identity, and sexual orientation.
Counseling for INdividuals
A list of highly trained therapists who are welcoming, inclusive, DV and trauma-informed.
Counseling for Healthy Couples
A list of clinicians specializing in working with couples who are welcoming, inclusive, DV and trauma-informed.
Community Resources
A list of community supports.